Monday, July 31, 2017

Big equipment arrives and demolition in undercroft begins.

Demolition equipment in the parking lot bright and early, Monday, July 31.   Ready to start looking for any old house foundations!
Stage Room Demolition

Undercroft aisle


Stage Room

Sunday, July 30, 2017

A busy week begins!

From Art Halbardier, Property Director and project lead, an overview of how the next couple of weeks will look:

 Monday, 7/31, demo will occur in undercroft to provide access for speedy asbestos abatement.

Also, on Monday, 7/31, demolition on the parking lot will commence - first, prospecting for old house foundations and removing them, second stripping the area of asphalt and other impediments to the digging of wells. Duration…as long as it takes.

Parking Lot will be closed early Monday morning. A flyer will be distributed directing people to the Workforce Center, similar to the info in the last Olive Branch. Signs have been purchased which will be placed at the parking lot each Sunday from now on as a reminder.

Wednesday-Friday 8/2-4, asbestos abatement in Undercroft by Envirobate. 

Monday,8/7, horizontal boring under 31st st. for geothermal pipe, water, and electrical service to the parking lot. As soon as water service is established, geothermal drilling can begin - perhaps Tuesday or 
Wednesday. Gilbert Mechanical will begin work in boiler room.

Tuesday/8/8, demo contractor to start cutting holes in various walls and floors to provide access for duct work, pipes, etc… 

 By midweek, should be full speed ahead on all fronts. 

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Some action!

Summer of '17

Since our last installment, important things have been going on:

After:   New Transformers
Before: Fence Stake
The little stake in the alley has become a full-fledged power pole with three big transformers hanging thereon:
Fence Sign

Worforce Center Lot: Top left corner

Also,we are cleared to do the boring under 31st Street to connect the geothermal field to the church,
thanks to a cooperative city department. Work will begin very soon.

The asbestos inspector indicated only minimal asbestos present, essentially only around pipes and pipe fittings. Could have been SO MUCH WORSE! Many buildings of the era were constructed of equal parts brick, mortar, and asbestos it seems. Thank you, forebears!

Very soon, however, the parking lot will be closed for some weeks. Signs will be posted to direct you to the large lot behind the Minneapolis Workforce Center at Lake and Chicago.

And so everyone knows what we are up to this summer, large banners will be posted to let all who pass by in on the project.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Summer of '17

Summer of '17

(Drum roll, please...)  Here is installment #2 - progress report on the building renovation.

Believe it or Not Department:  SOLAR PANELS ARE SCHEDULED TO BE INSTALLED THE WEEK OF JULY 24!  Whoopee!  They should be operational 7-10 days later.

Still no shovels, heavy equipment or new holes in walls.  But it's not much longer - at which point we all may be wondering, "Why were we so eager?"  (Drum roll, please…) Here is installment #2 - progress report on the building renovation.

Since the last report, mechanical equipment is on order.   A meeting was held with all the contractors to set a schedule for the coming months.   The city building department continues to ponder the site plan for the parking lot )at least we assume pondering is what takes them so long). We hope to have approval this week.

For those longing to see shovels and heavy equipment, here's what to expect.   First, our parking lot was once the site of several houses.  "Exploratory surgery" must be undertaken by an excavation contractor to determine whether the foundations of those houses are in the way of well drilling.   The foundations will need to be removed, along with all the asphalt.   Second, the horizontal bore under 31st street will be done.    Late July, the geothermal well-drilling will begin. 
Simultaneously, demolition inside the building will begin.   Dust and debris will start to accumulate.   Soon, we will be thinking, "How much longer?"  

Stay tuned for updates.